
Click on the VIEW buttons to access the Coconut Telegraph issue you want to read.
1985 Volume 1 (10 issues)
- VIEW Cover Only VIEW FEBRUARY 1985, Volume 1, No. 1 - The very first issue.
- VIEW MARCH 1985, Volume 1, No. 2 - Margaritaville Film Festival, “For the stories we could tell ...”. Also "What's in a name? The Margaritaville Story". Also the opening of the first Margaritaville Store in Key West,"Store's Ribbon-Cutting Draws Enthusiastic Crowd".
- VIEW APRIL 1985, Volume 1, No. 3 - "Blonde Stranger Seen In The Keys!" Who was that man? Also "For The Birds, Name the Margaritaville Parrot Mascot." Also "Manatee Visits Margaritaville". Also "The Parrot Head Papers".
- VIEW APRIL/MAY 1985, Volume 1, No. 4 - A letter from The Belize Zoo ... "Of course I can provide iguanas for Jimmy's newest record album cover." Also "Jimmy's Mermaids", Jimmy is now Chairman of the Save the Manatee Committee.
- VIEW JUNE/JULY 1985, Volume 1, No. 5 - SPECIAL TOUR EDITION, "Last Mango In Paris" Summer Tour Dates. Also "Parrot Head Pursuit", a trivia game.
- VIEW AUGUST 1985, Volume 1, No. 6 - "Coconut Telegraph Seeks Foreign Correspondents". Also "Lawyers and Laundry", expenses on the road while touring. Also "Margaritaville Bird Named!" (hint: it wasn't Quickdraw MaCaw).
- VIEW SEPTEMBER 1985, Volume 1, No. 7 - Captain Tony Tarracino"...still so much to be done.” Also Jimmy Visits Treasure Site, "Today's the day!", Jimmy Buffett, Mel Fisher, and the Atocha.
- VIEW OCTOBER 1985, Volume 1, No. 8 - "A White Hawaiian Shirt and a Pink Flamingo". Also "Captain Caribe - Tales of the Back Country".
- VIEW NOVEMBER 1985, Volume 1, No. 9 - "The Captain & The Kid", a conversation with Peets Buffett. Also "Dirt From The Road", The Inside Tour Scoop from Fingers Taylor.
- VIEW DECEMBER 1985, Volume 1, No. 10 - "The Last Mango Cruise!", You Had To Be There! It was a lovely cruise, according to the five couples who won Jimmy Buffett's Last Mango in Paris Contest. Who could ask for more than to spend three days in the Tropics with Jimmy!
1986 Volume 2 (12 issues)
- VIEW JANUARY 1986, Volume 2, No. 1 - "Live By The Bay", the concert video at Miami's Marine Stadium. Also "The Coconut Chatter" column about goings on in Key West.
- VIEW FEBRUARY 1986, Volume 2, No. 2 - "True Tales of the Snake Pit", the Old Anchor Inn. Also a "Dear Jimmy" letter from fans in St. Croix. Also "The Coconut Chatter" column.
- VIEW MARCH 1986, Volume 2, No. 3 - "Are You A Parrot Head?" Also "Reefers at the Super Bowl", by roving reefer reporter Fingers Taylor. Also the Margaritaville Store Employee of the Month.
- VIEW APRIL 1986, Volume 2, No. 4 - A letter from The Belize Zoo, "Of course I can provide iguanas for Jimmy's newest record album cover". Also "Jimmy's Mermaids" ("sometimes I see me as an old manatee ..."). Also "The Coconut Chatter" column. Also the Margaritaville Store Employee of the Month.
- VIEW MAY 1986, Volume 2, No. 5 - "Belize: A Zoo Story". Shooting a new album cover. Also Jimmy's Summer Tour Schedule 1986.
- VIEW JUNE 1986, Volume 2, No. 6 - "Hobbit: A Caribbean Soul", an article about Steve Humphrey, the president of Caribbean Soul - as well as Jimmy’s road manager. Also "More Dates Added!" to the 1986 Summer Floridays Tour.
- VIEW JULY 1986, Volume 2, No. 7 - "Jimmy Buffett: Civilian Fighter Pilot", an article about Jimmy’s experiences at the Navy’s survival school in Norfolk, Virginia.
- VIEW AUGUST 1986, Volume 2, No. 8 - An article on the "Dolphin Research Center: Making a Difference". Also the "Coconut Chatter" talks about a road named after Jimmy in Georgia where the street signs mysteriously keep getting stolen; and even more exciting "the latest word on the eagerly awaited Margaritaville Movie ... filming will begin in November!"
- VIEW SEPTEMBER 1986, Volume 2, No. 9 - "JB ... The Early Days" in Nashville recording Down To Earth for Barnaby Records. Also the "Coconut Chatter" lists the members of the Coral Reefer Band accompanying Jimmy on the Summer 1986 Floridays Tour. Also the origin of the band name Freddie and the Fishsticks.
- VIEW OCTOBER 1986, Volume 2, No. 10 - "A Conversation With Jimmy Buffett", reminiscing about song writing with Steve Goodman, and the time President Jimmy Carter tried to reach him from Air Force One.
- VIEW NOVEMBER 1986, Volume 2, No. 11 - "Dirt From The Road" by Greg "Fingers" Taylor. (note: needs to be rescanned)
- VIEW DECEMBER 1986, Volume 2, No. 12 - Cover: Saving The Salt Ponds
1987 Volume 3 (12 issues)
- VIEW JANUARY 1987, Volume 3, No. 1 - "Son of a Son of a Sailor", an article by Joseph H. Cooper on Jimmy's decision to buy a small boat from the Sanford Brothers boatyard in Nantucket. In his words "I wanted a little boat that I could handle myself. You know, grab a chicken and a six-pack. drop the line and I'm off for a few hours by myself." He named it Savannah Jane "after my daughter".
- VIEW FEBRUARY 1987, Volume 3, No. 2 - Being such a sailing enthusiast, Jimmy Buffett has eagerly anticipated his trip to Australia to view the finals of the most famous international sailboat race, the America's Cup. Hopefully. the U.S. entry, "Stars and Stripes" will be victorious in its attempt to take the Cup back from the Aussies. Jimmy has contributed to the U.S. effort with a rallying song for the "Stars and Stripes" crew ... "Take It Back".
- VIEW MARCH 1987, Volume 3, No. 3 - "MIKE UTLEY. MAD MUSIC MAN, From a Recent Interview".
- VIEW APRIL 1987, Volume 3, No. 4 - "There's Booze in The America's Cup" by Jimmy Buffett. Also Jimmy's experiences when performing in Perth, Australia.
- VIEW MAY 1987, Volume 3, No. 5 - "You Can Take It With You" by Jimmy Buffett ... more from Jimmy's Down Under Tour Journal.
- VIEW JUNE 1987, Volume 3, No. 6 - "Then and Now", an article with photos about Jimmy performing in Key West on January 9, 1975 and now "today" touring in May 1987.
- VIEW JULY 1987, Volume 3, No. 7 - "Jimmy Buffett at the Apollo Theatre". Also early concert reviews are in for the 1987 “Parrot Looks At Forty" tour. Also Jimmy’s $1,000,000.00 pledge for the acquisition of the environmentally sensitive Key West Salt Ponds — the last bit of undeveloped Paradise in Key West.
- VIEW AUGUST 1987, Volume 3, No. 8 - "Coconut Comebacks", letters to the Coconut Telegraph. Also "Ed Bradley joins the Coral Reefers on stage". Also "A Day Off On The Road" by Miss Marshall Chapman.
- VIEW SEPTEMBER 1987, Volume 3, No. 9 - "Corona Extra Presents!", Corona Extra has sponsored Jimmy Buffett's summer tours for the past three years. Also a trip to Louie's Backyard and a discussion on how to properly make a Cajin Martini. Also more on The Dolphin Research Center.
- VIEW OCTOBER, Volume 3, No. 10 - "Margaritaville Key West Store moves to 500 Duval Street" ... and ... COMING SOON ... A new Margaritaville Cafe will open next door!
- VIEW NOVEMBER 1987, Volume 3, No. 11 - An interview with Ross Rito, Jimmy's audio engineer for the past 12 years and some inside scoop about Jimmy's Key West recording studio Shrimp Boat Sounds.
- VIEW DECEMBER 1987, Volume 3, No. 12 - "Another Halloween has come and gone and another edition of the Fantasy Fest poster either hangs limply in storefront windows or discarded along the infrequently cleaned streets."; also "Margaritaville is once again one of the sponsors of the Key West Last Resort 1/2 Marathon & 10KRun."
1988 Volume 4 (12 issues)
- VIEW JANUARY 1988, Volume 4, No. 1 - "The New Duval Street Margaritaville Cafe is being built!". Even more exciting "You can now become a part of The Margaritaville Cafe. Send us any Parrot Head related photo or memorabilia to display in the restaurant. All photos will be considered, but those of a socially embarrassing nature will be given first choice."
- VIEW FEBRUARY 1988, Volume 4, No. 2 - "Who's Responsible for the Perfect Margarita? OMIGOD It's Me!" by George “Lime Wedge" Murphy, and the opening of the new Margaritaville Cafe.
- VIEW MARCH 1988, Volume 4, No. 3 - "Notes From The Road" by Christian Cochran. Jones Beach Theater and Martha's Vinyard, MA.
- VIEW APRIL 1988, Volume 4, No. 4 - "Why I Work Where I Work", an article by Martin Lehmann about a New Years Eve 1987 appearance at the Key West Margaritaville Cafe featuring Jimmy Buffett, Steve Winwood and other music legends.
- VIEW MAY 1988, Volume 4, No. 5 - "Friends of the Governor Stone". Jimmy Buffett is name Honorary Captain of the oldest American cargo vessel still afloat. Also "Jimmy Buffett’s 16th MGA release, “Hot Water" will be available on June 1st".
- VIEW JUNE 1988, Volume 4, No. 6 - "The History of Our Town, Key West". Also, Jimmy Buffett appears in town on the Margaritaville Cafe Stage with his friend 60 Minute Man Ed Bradley.
- VIEW JULY 1988, Volume 4, No. 7 - Savannah Jane and Jimmy Buffett doing a book signing for 'Jolly Mon'.
- VIEW AUGUST 1988, Volume 4, No. 8 - "Coral Reeferette Astrid Pazmino", a 25 year old singer from New York now living in Miami. Also Michael Utley and Robert Greenidge are planning an October '88 release date for their third adventure in the studio together.
- VIEW SEPTEMBER 1988, Volume 4, No. 9 - "REVIEW '88", every summer without fail The Coconut Telegraph office is flooded with Jimmy Buffett concert reviews. Also the new Jimmy Buffett album "Hot Water".
- VIEW OCTOBER 1988, Volume 4, No. 10 - "Margaritaville Christmas 1988". Also excerpts from liner notes written by Tom McGuanne ('White Sport Coat and a Pink Crustacean' and 'Songs You Know By Heart').
- VIEW NOVEMBER 1988, Volume 4, No. 11 - "... SO THEN MOSES SAYS, 'NO, HE THINKS HE’S ARNOLD PALMER' ", the 1988 Buffett-Podolak High Country Shoot Out, an annual pseudo-golf tournament held in Aspen, Colorado to raise money for the non-profit Flagship Foundation organization.
- VIEW DECEMBER 1988, Volume 4 No. 12 - A look back at 1988, 'The Year That Was'
1989 Volume 5 (7 issues)
- VIEW JANUARY, Volume 5, No. 1 - "Chest Pains", the new release by Greg "Fingers" Taylor. Also "1989 The Year That Will Be". Also Who was the poet in 'Death of an Unpopular Poet'?, Jimmy answers this question. (note: needs to be rescanned)
- VIEW FEBRUARY, Volume 5, No. 2 - "Neville Brothers At Margaritaville". Also "Caribe Musicale II", the Second Annual Caribbean Musical Festival.
- VIEW MAR/APR, Volume 5, No. 3 - "Jimmy At The Bat", a baseball themed poem about Jimmy Buffett. Also the origin of the concoction Purple Passion and a date at the Islander Drive-In.
- VIEW MAY/JUN, Volume 5, No. 4 - "PLAY BALL!", Jimmy Buffett, Bill Murray, and other investors become part owners of the Class A baseball team the Miami Miracles, with some games to be played in Key West. First game scheduled May 5th, 1989.
- VIEW JUL/AUG, Volume 5, No. 5 - Save The Manatees Update.
- VIEW SEP/OCT, Volume 5, No. 6 - "I Interviewed Jimmy Buffett", by Paul Lomartire, a Miami newspaperman. Also Earth Day 1990. Also Coral Reefers '89, Off To See The Lizard. (note: needs to be rescanned)
- VIEW NOV/DEC, Volume 5, No. 7 - Cover: 'In The Path Of Hurricane Hugo', Jimmy Buffett's Caribbean Relief Fund; An interview with Jimmy and the recent release of his book 'Tales From Margaritaville'; Also Earth Day 1990 An Update; Also Greg 'Fingers' Taylor November '89 Tour Dates.
- VIEW JAN/FEB, Volume 6, No. 1 - "How To ... Buffett Style", excerpts from a Washington Post interview with Jimmy Buffett during a DC area book signing for 'Tales From Margaritaville'; also "Coconut Comebacks", with a summary of how many albums Jimmy has recorded (19 plus the soundtrack to 'Rancho Deluxe'); also "Just the Facts J.B.", Jimmy is confronted by the Key West Police after 'breaking into' his own home in Key West.
- VIEW MAR/APR, Volume 6, No. 2 - Cover: 'This Album was recorded before a Live Studio Audience', The Coconut Telegraph asks subscribers to choose the playlist for Jimmy's next live album.
- VIEW MAY/JUN, Volume 6, No. 3 - Cover: Interview with JL Jamison, sound man, light man, stage director, production manager, and more for Jimmy's Key West Cafe.
- VIEW JUL/AUG, Volume 6, No. 4 - 'Turn That Down, I'm Trying To Read!', Jimmy and Savannah's new book 'TROUBLE DOLLS'.
- VIEW CHRISTMAS 1990, Volume 6, No. 5 - An interview with Jimmy prior to the filming of 'Live By The Bay'. "The main reason for getting into music was to meet girls, no doubt about it. I thought 'this is the job for me'."
- VIEW NOV/DEC, Volume 6, No. 6 - Jimmy's long awaited second live album ('Feeding Frenzy') was unveiled on Smather's Beach in Key West, FL.
- VIEW JAN/FEB, Volume 7, No. 1 - Cover: 'Jimmy Buffett Still Working, Still Not Happy With Industry'.
- VIEW MAR/APR, Volume 7, No. 2 - Cover: Southwest Florida Golf and Music Festival, organized in part by Glenn Frey.
- VIEW MAY/JUN, Volume 7, No. 3 - Cover: Margaritaville Key West Store Employees.
- VIEW JUL/AUG, Volume 7, No. 4 - Cover: 'I had this crazy idea to go play the most remote bars in the world that are sort of tuned into Jimmy Buffett music.' Also the OUTPOST TOUR 1991.
- VIEW CHRISTMAS 1991, Volume 7, No. 5 - Cover: Article from ISLANDS MAGAZINE with Jimmy reflecting on his career. Also the origin of a drink known as The Margarita.
- VIEW NOV/DEC, Volume 7, No. 6 - Cover: Happy Birthday & Merry Christmas sketch featuring Santa Claus and Jimmy Buffett. Also Air Margaritaville gear and the Outpost Tour 1991.
1992 Volume 8 (6 issues)
- VIEW JAN/FEB 1992, Volume 8, No. 1 - Cover: Q&A with Jimmy Buffett by Steve Morse of the Boston Globe.
- VIEW MAR/APR 1992, Volume 8, No. 2 - Cover: MARGARITAVILLE RECORDS. "Margaritaville Records will be based in Nashville, TN. Jimmy (the artist) remains in the MCA stable, while Jimmy (the head of Margaritaville Records) will use MCA's vast marketing and distribution network to promote the new label."
- VIEW MAY/JUN 1992, Volume 8, No. 3 - Cover: Dedicated to Sarah Delaney Buffett. And a letter from Jimmy where he contemplates that "... this will be the last summer for a while ... it has been a busy twenty-five years and I must confess that I could use some rest ..."
- VIEW JUL/AUG 1992, Volume 8, No. 4 - Cover: Far From Wasting Away. 'Just for the record, the Margarita that inspired Jimmy Buffett's most famous song was drunk in Austin. Or so he says.'
- VIEW SEP/OCT 1992, Volume 8, No. 5 - Cover: The Making of 'Tales From Margaritaville'. Also 'Where Is Joe Merchant?' reaches #1 on the NY Times Best Seller list. And the birth of Sarah Delaney Buffett.
- VIEW NOV/DEC 1992, Volume 8, No. 6 - Cover: Merry Christmas. And "Tales Before Margaritaville", the story of the cover photo for Jimmy's first album "Down To Earth".
- VIEW JAN/FEB 1993, Volume 9, No. 1 - Cover: 'Everything In The Woods Wants To Eat A Quail'.
- VIEW MAR/APR 1993, Volume 9, No. 2 - Cover: Jimmy Buffett and Paul Simon perform at an inaugural ball for President Clinton. 'Is this a great country or what? Where else can you see the president jamming with Jimmy Buffett?'
- VIEW MAY/JUN1993, Volume 9, No. 3 - Cover: 'If I can bring a little humor and escapism, I think that's great.'
- VIEW JUL/AUG 1993, Volume 9, No. 4 - Cover: 'He's a poet who learned to play guitar, rather than a guitar player who is trying to be a poet'.
- VIEW SEP/OCT 1993, Volume 9, No. 5 - Cover: Jimmy Buffett at Mallory Square in Old Key West.
- VIEW NOV/DEC 1993, Volume 9, No. 6 - Cover: Christmas In The Caribbean. Also 'Before Margaritaville', an article about Captain James Delaney Buffett, Jimmy's grandfather.
1994 Volume 10 (7 issues)
- VIEW JAN/FEB, Volume 10, No. 1 - Cover: Margaritaville Record Company. 'With me as Record Company President, they don't get somebody who was a lawyer in New York. They're talking to someone who used to street sing in New Orleans'.
- VIEW MAR/APR, Volume 10, No. 2 - Cover: Now On Sale! Fruitcakes Tour.
- VIEW MAY/JUN, Volume 10, No. 3 - Cover: Jimmy Kicks Off Fruitcakes Tour.
- VIEW JUL/AUG, Volume 10, No. 4 - Cover: 'Fruitcakes', the video. 'Where Is Joe Merchant?'
- VIEW SEP/OCT, Volume 10, No. 5 - Cover: 'HE'S OK!', the Nantucket crash of the Widgeon.
- VIEW NOV/DEC, Volume 10, No. 6 - Cover: Merry Christmas In The Caribbean.
- VIEW BONUS FREE ISSUE - Cover: Margaritaville Store. Available in store only at the Duval Street Store.
1995 Volume 11 (6 issues)
- VIEW WINTER 94/95, Volume 11, No. 1 - Cover: Reflections on Volume 1, Number 1.
- VIEW SPRING 1995, Volume 11, No. 2 - Cover: 'Summer Tour On Hold!', Buffett signs as replacement player with Chicago Cubs!
- VIEW TOUR 1995, Volume 11, No. 3 - Cover: Domino College Tour.
- VIEW SUMMER 1995, Volume 11, No. 4 - Cover: Domino College Tour.
- VIEW FALL 1995, Volume 11, No. 5 - Cover: Holiday Issue.
- VIEW WINTER 95/96, Volume 11, No. 6 - Cover: Jimmy in a rocking chair, on a porch, with a dog and a guitar.
1996 Volume 12 (6 issues)
- VIEW Undated, Volume 12, No. 1 - Cover: Blizzard of 1996.
- VIEW SPRING 1996, Volume 12, No. 2 - Cover: The History of Tobacco & Cigars in Key West
- VIEW Undated 1996, Volume 12, No. 3 - Cover: Welcome to Yet Another New Look for the Coconut Telegraph.
- VIEW Undated 1996, Volume 12, No. 4 - Banana Wind Tour.
- VIEW CHRISTMAS, Volume 12, No. 5 - Cover: Christmas Issue.
- VIEW CHRISTMAS, Volume 12, No. 6 - Cover: Christmas Island.
1997 Volume 13 (5 issues)
- VIEW Undated, Volume 13, No. 1 - Cover: Mid-Life Crisis. Jimmy Buffett answers questions about turning 50.
- VIEW Undated, Volume 13, No. 2 - 'Somethin's Fishy Issue'.
- VIEW Undated, Volume 13, No. 3 - Cover: 'Don't Stop The Carnival' interview.
- VIEW Undated, Volume 13, No. 4 - Cover: To Herman Wouk & Jimmy Buffett: 'Holding a table for you at Sardi's. Best of luck on your opening. See you on Broadway!'
- VIEW CHRISTMAS '97, Volume 13, No. 5 - Cover: Merry Christmas, Alabama.
1998 Volume 14 (5 issues)
- VIEW Undated, Volume 14, No. 1 - Cover: 'Che Burger in Cuba' interview.
- VIEW Undated, Volume 14, No. 2 - Cover: Cuba (2) issue.
- VIEW Undated, Volume 14, No. 3 - Cover: Summer 1998 Carnival Concert Tour.
- VIEW Undated, Volume 14, No. 4 - Cover: A Pirate Looks At 50.
- VIEW CHRISTMAS, Volume 14, No. 5 - Cover: Christmas in the Caribbean.
1999 Volume 15 (5 issues)
- VIEW Undated, Volume 15, No. 1 - Cover: 'It's an honor to call you fans'. Meeting Of The Minds.
- VIEW Undated, Volume 15, No. 2 - Cover: 'Jimmy in La La Land'. The Muscle Shoals Studio in Lower Alabama.
- VIEW Undated, Volume 15, No. 3 - Cover: Beach House on the Moon Concert Tour.
- VIEW Undated, Volume 15, No. 4 - Cover: 'Gold Found on the Moon'.
- VIEW Undated, Volume 15, No. 5 - Cover: Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays.
2000 Volume 16 (5 issues)
- VIEW Undated, Volume 16, No. 1 - Cover: Adventure with Jimmy. And the recipe for 'A Cajin Martini'.
- VIEW Undated, Volume 16, No. 2 - Cover: On the Road With Jimmy Buffett - The Pascagoula Run 1999.
- VIEW Undated, Volume 16, No. 3 - au tour de rocher, 'We have made our mark here'. Also The Paradise Charitable Foundation.
- VIEW Undated, Volume 16, No. 4 - Cover: 'Hey Jimmy, Can I open the show in Atlanta?' - Deborah McColl.
- VIEW CHRISTMAS 2000, Volume 16, No. 5 - Cover: Christmas 2000. Also 'Dear Mr. Buffett' letters.
2001 Volume 17 (5 issues)
- VIEW Undated, Volume 17, No. 1 - Cover: Sinking the USAFS Gen. Hoyt S. Vanderberg, a WWII vessel to create and Artificial Reef in the Keys. Also rehearsals begin for the musical 'Don't Stop The Carnival'.
- VIEW SPRING, Volume 17, No. 2 - Cover: Don't Stop The Carnival.
- VIEW SUMMER, Volume 17, No. 3 - The Pirate and the Lieutenant
- VIEW Unknown, Volume 17, No. 4 - Cover: 9/11 Tribute. God Bless America.
- Need Unknown, Volume 17, No. 5 - NOTE: This issue may or may not exist.
2002 Volume 18 (5 issues)
- VIEW WINTER, Volume 18, No. 1 - Cover: Air Margaritaville Jamaica.
- VIEW SPRING, Volume 18, No. 2 - Cover: The Far Side of the World.
- VIEW SUMMER, Volume 18, No. 3 - Cover: New Orleans Jazz & Heritage Festival
- VIEW FALL, Volume 18, No. 4 - Cover: A look back at Jimmy at Mardis Gras in 1983.
- VIEW CHRISTMAS, Volume 18, No. 5 - Christmas Issue. Also Bubba In Boston, 'I went to Cheers but nobody knew my name'.
2003 Volume 19 (5 issues)
- VIEW WINTER, Volume 19, No. 1 - Cover: Jimmy in Key West - 2002 MOTM.
- VIEW SPRING, Volume 19, No. 2 - Cover: 'Meet Me In Margaritaville'.
- VIEW SUMMER, Volume 19, No. 3 - Cover: Sooner or Later.The Margaritaville Store Tour.
- VIEW FALL, Volume 19, No. 4 - Cover: Jimmy Buffett. Also Alan Jackson and Marshall Chapman. Also 'The Hemisphere Dancer is Permanently Grounded At Universal CityWalk'.
- VIEW CHRISTMAS, Volume 19, No. 5 - Cover: Margaritaville - An Oasis in the Desert, Las Vegas. 'Margaritaville at the Flamingo will enhance the resort's signature tropical ambiance while adding exciting new venues for dining, drinking, and entertainment'. Tentative plans call for a late 2003 soft opening, with a Grand Opening in early 2004.
2004 Volume 20 (5 issues)
- VIEW WINTER 2004, Volume 20, No. 1 - Cover: MOTM 2003. Also the opening of the 2nd Cheeseburger In Paradise in Chicago. And the CMA Awards in Nashville with Alan Jackson and Jimmy Buffett nominated for 'Five O'Clock Somewhere'.
- VIEW SPRING 2004, Volume 20, No. 2 - Cover: George Strait and Jimmy Buffett at Shrimp Boat Sounds. Also the Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Issue contains an article by Jimmy and includes a CD-ROM song 'Getting The Picture'.
- VIEW SUMMER 2004, Volume 20, No. 3 - Cover: Nashville artists flock to Shrimpboat Sound for Jimmy's new album 'License To Chill'. Also new CD releases by Mac McAnally, Ralph McDonald, and Peter Mayer. Also the recipe for the perfect margarita from The Margaritaville Cookbook.
- VIEW FALL 2004, Volume 20, No. 4 - "License To Chill Conception", by Jimmy Buffett. A discussion about recording the album at Shrimpboat Sound in Key West, featuring snippets on musicians Mac McAnally, Michael Utley, Ralph MacDonald, Doyle Grisham, Roger Guth, Sonny Landreth, Will Kimbrough, Glenn Worf, Bill Payne, and Tony Brown.
- VIEW CHRISTMAS 2004, Volume 20, No. 5 - Cover: Jimmy Buffett reflects on his first years in Key West. Also 'What Is A Parrothead?'
2005 Volume 21 (5 issues)
- VIEW WINTER, Volume 21, No. 1 - "Margaritaville Looks @ Twenty" part 1; also the Bahama Village Music Program, also "Use Me", a profile of Coral Reefer Band saxophonist Amy Lee.
- VIEW SPRING, Volume 21, No. 2 - "Margaritaville Looks @ Twenty" part 2; also Radio Margaritaville Doer's Profile; also From the Heart, a profile of Coral Reefer Band member and steel pan virtuoso Robert Greenidge, the "happy lad from Trinidad"; also the Parrot Head Day Proclamation signed by Alabama Governor Bob Riley.
- VIEW SUMMER, Volume 21, No. 3 - "The Margaritaville Store opened on January 28, 1985 and the first Coconut Telegraph was mailed in February of that year", an interview with Jimmy Buffett on the 20th anniversary. Also "Singer/songwriter Jimmy Buffett and SIRIUS Satellite Radio announced an agreement to present a Radio Margaritaville music channel exclusively for SIRIUS subscribers".
- VIEW FALL, Volume 21, No. 4 - "Margaritaville Looks @ Twenty", a timeline history of the Margaritaville Store in its early 1998 and 1999 days; also a quick history of Jimmy's charity Singing For Change; also Savannah Jane Buffett's Sirius Satellite Radio show Savanna Daydreamin'; also HOOT the Movie, based on Carl Hiaasen's novel begins filming in Florida. Produced by Jimmy Buffett and Frank Marshall.
- VIEW CHRISTMAS 2005, Volume 21, No. 5 - Cover: Margaritaville Looks @ Twenty.
2006 Volume 22 (5 issues)
- VIEW WINTER 2006, Volume 22, No. 1 - MOTM in the wake of Hurricane Wilma. Also 'Live At Fenway Park'.
- VIEW SPRING 2006, Volume 22, No. 2 - Cover: HOOT: The Movie issue
- VIEW SUMMER 2006, Volume 22, No. 3 - Cover: New Orleans Jazz & Heritage Festival.
- VIEW FALL 2006, Volume 22, No. 4 - Jimmy Buffett Live At Wrigley Field! Two DVD set to be released on August 1, 2006. Also Margaritaville Down Island, in Grand Turks and Caicos Islands. Also Captain Tony's Key West. Also Soldier Ride, Key West honors wounded warriors.
- VIEW CHRISTMAS 2006, Volume 22, No. 5 - Cover: Jimmy's latest CD 'Take The Weather With You' is scheduled to be release October 10, 2006.
2007 Volume 23 (5 issues)
- VIEW WINTER, Volume 23, No. 1 - Jimmy Buffett inducted into Nashville Songwriters Hall of Fame. Also Jimmy's latest album, Take The Weather With You has been certified gold and debuts at No. 1 on the country sales chart. Also Island Daze, Fifteenth Annual Meeting of the Minds.
- VIEW SPRING, Volume 23, No. 2 - Jimmy and Sports Illustrated Play for New Orleans Also, Take The Weather With You, The Stories Behind the Songs.
- VIEW SUMMER, Volume 23, No. 3 - Let The Music Play, an article in The Anguilian about Jimmy Buffett's performance in Anguila. Also Singing For Change, te charity enters its eleventh year. Also a letter to Jimmy from ACORN, the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now, and their efforts in the wake of Hurricane Katrina. Also Jimmy Buffett The Key West Years by Tom Corcoran.
- VIEW FALL, Volume 23, No. 4 - Oui Went To Paris by Peter Mayer, a daily journal of Jimmy and the band's recent trip to The City of Lights. Also, Ten Questions in TIME, Jimmy was featured in TIME Magazine's "10 Questions" in the July 16, 2007 edition.
- VIEW CHRISTMAS 2007, Volume 23, No. 5 - Cover: Jimmy Buffett In The News. Margaritaville Casino & Resort Biloxi, Mississippi.
2008 Volume 24 (5 issues)
- VIEW WINTER 2008, Volume 24, No. 1 - Cover: Jimmy Buffett visits the USS Harry S. Truman.
- VIEW SPRING 2008, Volume 24, No. 2 - Jimmy Buffett visits USS Harry S. Truman. Also 'The Sinking of the General Hoyt S. Vandenberg' to create an artificial reef off the Florida Keys.
- VIEW SUMMER 2008, Volume 24, No. 3 - The New Orleans Jazz & Heritage Festival. Also Freddy & the Fishsticks at the New Orleans Margaritaville Cafe stage. Also 'Swine Not? A Novel Pig Tale'.
- VIEW FALL 2008, Volume 24, No. 4 - Jimmy Buffett Classics on Rock Band for X-BOX 360 and Playstation3. Also 'Tarpon', the vintage fishing film released. Also Margaritaville Caribbean in Jamaica. Also Margaritaville Marina Hotel Casino in Atlantic City, NJ.
- VIEW CHRISTMAS 2008, Volume 24, No. 5 - Cover: Real BVI - We Surfed With Jimmy Buffett.
2009 Volume 25 (6 issues) Note: There were two issues numbered Vol. 25 No. 5. One dated Holiday 2009. One dated Holiday 2010.
- VIEW WINTER 2009, Volume 25, No. 1 - Outer Banks Diary, November 2008 - Jimmy writes about his trip to OBX in the Green Tomato, and his visit to the Wright Brothers Museum in Kill Devil Hills.
- VIEW SPRING 2009, Volume 25, No. 2 - Jimmy Buffett's at the Beachcomber in Waikiki now open! Also 'Soldier Ride: Sunshine State Challenge to support The Wounded Warriors'.
- VIEW SUMMER 2009, Volume 25, No. 3 - Cover: Summerzcool Tour 2009. Jimmy Buffett's Honolulu Surfing Museum.
- VIEW FALL 2009, Volume 25, No. 4 - Outer Banks Diary, Continued & Climax - Jimmy writes about his 'research trip' to Ocracoke in the North Carolina Outer Banks - surfing, researching and driving the Green Tomato. Also 'Werewolves of Margaritaville', Jimmy & The Coral Reefers in London.
- VIEW HOLIDAY 2009, Volume 25, No. 5 - Cover: Christmas In The Caribbean. Plus Peter Mayer's thoughts on performing and recording in London, England.
- VIEW HOLIDAY 2010, Volume 25, No. 5 - Note: This is actually Vol. 26, No. 5, and was incorrectly labeled as Vol. 25. Cover 'Margaritaville Looks At 25'. Also Jake Shimabukuro.
2010 Volume 26 (5 issues)
- VIEW WINTER 2010, Volume 26, No. 1 - 'BUFFET HOTEL' - Jimmy accompanied a group of fellow music lovers, self-adorned-the Buktu Brothers, on a journey to the heart of West African music, Mali. Also 'Party With A Purpose Indeed', Meeting Of The Minds 2009.
- VIEW SPRING 2010, Volume 26, No. 2 - Cover: Summerzcool Is Out. Radio Margaritaville Is In. Also Music City Margaritaville in Nashville.
- VIEW SUMMER 2010, Volume 26, No. 3 - Cover: Encores CD Release.
- VIEW FALL 2010, Volume 26, No. 4 - 'It's not just a hotel, it's a state of mind', The Margaritaville Beach Hotel, Pensacola Beach. Also 'S.W.A.T Boat To Aid In Gulf Clean Up'.
- VIEW HOLIDAY, Volume 26, No. 5 - Note: this issue was incorrectly labeled as Volume 25 - Cover 'Margaritaville Looks At 25'. Also Jake Shimabukuro.
2011 Volume 27 (5 issues)
- VIEW WINTER, Volume 27, No. 1 - Jimmy Buffett & The Coral Reefer Band 2011 Tour - Welcome To Fin Land. Also, Marshall Chapman's Big Lonesome, the blonde stranger's latest release on Tall Girl Records is dedicated to Coral Reefer Tim Krekel. Also, Soldier Ride, a Wounded Warrior Project.
- VIEW SPRING, Volume 27, No. 2 - Jimmy's Bridge Climbing Story at the Sydney Harbour Bridge in Australia. Also, Jimmy on Jazz Fest Poster.
- VIEW SUMMER 2011, Volume 27, No. 3 - Cover: Jimmy Buffett is on the poster for the 2011 New Orleans Jazz & Heritage Festival. Also a stories about Ilo Ferreria and Playing For Change.
- VIEW FALL, Volume 27, No. 4 - It Just Looks Easy by Jim Mayer - "to friends and family back home I refer to the Buffett tour as 'Summer Camp' ". Also, the Parrot Head Credit Card from VISA. Also, the announcement that the Island experience is coming to the Midwest as the Navy Pier in Chicago will open a new Margaritaville Restaurant.
- VIEW HOLIDAY, Volume 27, No. 5 - Margaritaville Online, the Facebook Game; also the Margaritaville Casino at the Flamingo in Las Vegas; also Don't Stop the Carnival, Meeting of the Minds 20 years in Key West.
2012 Volume 28 (5 issues)
- VIEW WINTER 2012, Volume 28, No. 1 - Ralph MacDonald, March 15, 1944 to December 18, 2011, Jim Mayer Remembers His Friend. Also Miss Peetsy B, 'Buffetts Christen Gulf Coast Research Lab Vessel in Mother's Honor'. Also Meeting of The Minds 2011, and 'Don't Stop The Carnival'.
- VIEW SPRING 2012, Volume 28, No. 2 - The Child Mind Institute, "The Child Mind Institute dares to imagine a world where no child suffers from mental illness ... Jane and I are honored to be a part of these bold efforts to make a difference for the future of all of our kids." Also, Mac McAnally Live In Muscle Shoals. Also, the Margaritaville Online game debuts on Facebook, iPad, and iPhone.
- VIEW SUMMER 2012, Volume 28, No. 3 - "You've got to go see the pool," Jimmy said, "I'll get a golf cart for you, someone will take you over." An article about the Tampa show at 1.800.ASK.GARY Amphitheater.
- VIEW FALL 2012, Volume 28, No. 4 - New Orleans, LA., Aug. 5, 1995 - 'The Margaritaville Store has expanded to a new location at #1 French Market Place on New Orleans' French Quarter!'; Also 'Margaritaville Casino & Restaurant Biloxi Opens!'
- VIEW HOLIDAY 2012, Volume 28, No. 5 - 'Margaritaville and Resorts Casino Hotel announce plans to open Margaritaville Casino and Entertainment complex in Atlantic City'. Also 'Margaritaville Coming to Cincinnati'. Also 'A Tribute to Jesse Winchester'. And the Margaritaville Store Wishbook 2012 Holiday Catalog.
2013 Volume 29 (5 issues)
- VIEW WINTER 2013, Volume 29, No. 1 - 'Meeting the Mayor of Margaritaville', by Matt Hoggatt; 'Lost Shaker of Salt Tour'; Also 'Inaugural Trip A Seasoned Success'; Also 'Kenny Chesney Loves Key West'.
- VIEW SPRING 2013, Volume 29, No. 2 - Robert Greenidge - "A Lovely Cruise", The Steel Drum Music of Jimmy Buffett; Also Mishka, "Ocean Is My Potion" Songs For The Children; Also The Staff From St. Somewhere.
- VIEW SUMMER 2013, Volume 29, No. 3
- Need FALL 2013, Volume 29, No. 4 -
- VIEW HOLIDAY 2013, Volume 29, No. 5
2014 Volume 30 (1 issue)
- VIEW VALENTINE'S DAY, Volume 30, No. 1 - Special Valentine's Day Leaflet
7 April 1975 VIEW A letter from the Director of Student Activities at the Citadel to the promoter of Jimmy Buffett's performance at the military college in Charleston, South Carolina. "Jimmy Buffett has come to the Citadel and has departed, and as long as I am here, he will never be invited back."
1986 December SAIL Magazine VIEW "Celebrities Who Sail" with Jimmy and Savannah Buffett on the cover. Also Christopher Cross, Bo Derek and more (donated by Beverly McGrath)
1987 Concert Program VIEW Oversized 11" x 14" glossy photographs and stories (donated by Debbie Wiles)
1988 Letter from Jimmy Buffett VIEW a letter supporting Friends of Florida Inc., and the Key West Salt Ponds.
December 17, 1989 Washington Post VIEW article with Jimmy Buffett after his book signing for 'Tales From Margaritaville'.
1991 Miami Miracle Souvenir Program VIEW Team Investors include Jimmy Buffett and Bill Murray. This '91 season baseball program was donated by Beverly McGrath.
Autumn 1992 Esquire Sportsman Magazine VIEW article 'Everything In The Woods Wants To Eat A Quail' written by Jimmy Buffett.
1994 Fruitcakes VIEW Lyrics sheet for "Fruitcakes" by Jimmy Buffett and Amy Lee (donated by April Havens)
1996 Banana Wind VIEW MCA Marketing Promotional Package for "Banana Wind" CD, promotion & sales projections (donated by Jill Stordahl)
2002 American Way VIEW "Jimmy Buffett's Caribbean" in the 3-15-2002 edition of the American Airlines flight magazine featuring Jimmy Buffett on the cover (donated by Beverly McGrath)
July 2003 issue of Men's Journal VIEW with Jimmy Buffett on the cover. Article: "The Man Who Never Left Paradise".
July 2004 Sports Illustrated 40th Anniversary Swimsuit Issue VIEW with an article written by Jimmy Buffett. Also included a bonus CD-ROM with "License To Chill" by Jimmy Buffett and Kenny Chesney, plus a bonus video.
Save the Manatee Club
December 2021
- VIEW AARP Magazine, December 2021 - 'Is Jimmy Buffett the New Face of American Retirement?'
September 2023
venues, personnel, offices, calendar, maps, hotels, limos, crew, and more
- 1990 Jimmy's Jump Up Tour - VIEW 1990 Crew Tour Handbook (donated by Debbie Wiles)
- 1991 Air Margaritaville Tour - VIEW 1990 Crew Tour Handbook (donated by Debbie Wiles)
- 1993 Chameleon Caravan Summer Tour - VIEW 1993 Crew Tour Handbook (donated by Debbie Wiles)
- 1994 Fruitcakes On Tour - VIEW - 1994 Crew Tour Handbook (donated by Jill Stordahl)
- 1995 Domino College Summer Session - VIEW 1995 Crew Tour Handbook (donated by Debbie Wiles)
- 1995 Domino College Fall Session - VIEW 1995 Crew Tour Handbook (donated by Debbie Wiles)
- 1996 Banana Wind Tour August/September - VIEW 1996 Crew Tour Handbook (donated by Debbie Wiles)
- 1996 Banana Wind Tour September/October - VIEW 1996 Crew Tour Handbook (donated by Debbie Wiles)
- 1997 Banana Wind Tour May - VIEW 1997 Crew Tour Handbook (donated by Debbie Wiles)
- 1997 Havana Daydreamin' Tour - VIEW 1997 Crew Tour Handbook (donated by Debbie Wiles)
- 1998 Carnival Tour July/August - VIEW 1998 Crew Tour Handbook (donated by Debbie Wiles)
- 1998 Carnival Tour September/October - VIEW 1998 Crew Tour Handbook (donated by Debbie Wiles)
- 2000 Tuesdays, Thursdays, Saturdays - VIEW 1998 Crew Tour Handbook (donated by Debbie Wiles)
- 2001 Beach House On The Moon Tour - VIEW 2001 Crew Tour Handbook (donated by Debbie Wiles)
- 2002 Far Side of the World Tour June - VIEW 2002 Crew Tour Handbook (donated by Debbie Wiles)
- 2003 Far Side of the World Tour February - VIEW 2003 Crew Tour Handbook (donated by Debbie Wiles)
- 2004 License to Chill Tour April - VIEW 2004 Crew Tour Handbook (donated by Debbie Wiles)
- 2004 License to Chill Tour May - VIEW 2004 Crew Tour Handbook (donated by Debbie Wiles)
- 2004 License to Chill Tour October - VIEW 2004 Crew Tour Handbook (donated by Debbie Wiles)
- 2005 A Salty Piece of Land Tour - VIEW 2005 Crew Tour Handbook (donated by Debbie Wiles)
- 2006 Party At The End Of The World Tour - VIEW 2006 Crew Tour Handbook (donated by Debbie Wiles)
- 2007 Bama Breeze Tour - VIEW 2007 Crew Tour Handbook (donated by Debbie Wiles)
- 2008 The Year Of Still Here Tour - VIEW 2008 Crew Tour Handbook (donated by Debbie Wiles)
- 2011 Welcome To Fin Land Tour - VIEW 2011 Crew Tour Handbook (donated by Debbie Wiles)